Ready Server cs 1.6
Created 09 sep 2009
Server with: Metamod 1.19 Booster Lite 1.13 AMX Mod X 1.8.1
Cs 1.6 Server Installation:
Server Installation is very simple, just unzip the server in the folder where you installed the game Counter-Strike.
Settings: Basic server settings you can edit in the file server.cfg
How do I make myself admin?: In file cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/users.ini need add line: "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a" where "My Name" - your nick, my_password - your password
To get admin power, write to the console cs as follows below: setinfo "_pw" "my_password"; name "My Name"
Plugin installing amxx: File format .amxx copy to the folder cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins and in the end of file cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini write file name (example: plugin.amxx) after this
line: ; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here
"Installing plugins amxx" - CS plug-ins you can download from the site, here is the link to "amxx plugins CS"
Server Settings:
Open windows "Notepad", and insert line:
start /high hlds.exe -game cstrike +ip +port 27016 +sv_lan 0 +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 32 -console
where: start /high - starts the server with high priority -game cstrike - starts modification cstrike engine hl +ip - This is your external IP-address
+port 27015 - port +sv_lan 0 - important parameter, otherwise the server will not be visible from the Internet. +map de_dust2 - map loaded when you turn on the server. +maxplayers 32 - max... players. Changing these settings on their own, while maintaining choose "all files" and save as "hlds.bat". Copy the file into the main folder, CS, which is the file hlds.exe. Now, to start the server is enough to run the file hlds.bat (If you have Kaspersky Anti-Virus, then have to shut it down, otherwise the server but you can not go nobody). In some cases, a provider of Internet provides a single external IP-address to the entire subnet, which means you will not be able to join players from the Internet, only your subnet.
"Installing plugins amxx" - CS plug-ins you can download from the site, here is the link to "amxx plugins CS"
Installation and server configuration is complete, invite your friends and play for your pleasure. :)
Thread Created by Mavrodi.